First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your "bucket lists", those of you who sent me yours...some admirable pursuits and some uncanny similarities to my list. Get your butts in here for a session :)
Joking aside, it has led me to wondering how many people actually make the fulfillment of their sexual fantasies a priority at some point in their lives. On Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization and the realization of all inner potentials is at the top of the triangle, only to be accessed once basic survival, emotional, and psychological needs are met.
Although one could consider sex to be lower on the totem pole, with physical or emotional needs, I would put the conscious exploration of one's deepest sexual fantasies up there with self-actualization, because it involves having the introspection to be aware of, and the impetus and resources to realize deep desires that are not necessarily fully conscious.
Which has led me to the realization that to explore and seek to understand our deep sexual impulses is a privilege that I, at least, am grateful to be able to investigate. It is a rich playground and a source of much fulfillment and satisfaction.
In the context of Maslow, it is not something that everyone, due to their life's circumstances, may be able to focus on...but I pray that at some point in a lifetime, even if just once, every person gets a taste of the uniqueness of their particular sexual makeup and knows, if just for a moment, just how empowering and beautiful it is.
I too hope that I can achieve self actualization. I am currently working on fulfilling my psychological needs, and I hope to be progressing toward self actualization, but as You know, it's a long journey. I am honored and proud to be taking that journey with You at my side.
And yes Ma'am, I will get my butt up to see You soon.
I've leaped in an "unfulfillable crush" (no details) and am trying to channel my unrequieted sexual energy into self improvement, (instead of porn addiction) this year.
One way or another, because failure is not an option and I've already waited too long to do all the stuff on my list.
It's funny but I actually can find (g-rated, non-sexual) femdom with a beloved older female cousin among my earliest, most pleasant memories. I would try to make myself helpless and shamelessly top from the bottom, she would laugh her ass off, and oblige.
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