As of tommorrow, I will be on a plane to the Middle East. Watching news reports on the progress of the peace agreement between Palestine and Israel, and the looming threats from Iran, have been making me think about how our unconscious "shadow" side doesn't just play out on an individual level (see my previous post on Shadow Play), but on a national and collective level as well. It plays itself out in wars, corruption, famine, genocide, environmental destruction, and nuclear threats. The choices that world leaders make to engage in or initiate such horrors are usually based in unconscious attempts to "gain" or "re-gain" power and control at all costs.
It is remarkable to me that the general population has so much difficulty accepting BDSM, or conscious erotic power play, but remains apathetic about politicians' unconscious and destructive attempts at dominating others.
Now, some would disagree with the latter statement, saying that BDSM is just replicating this nastiness and why would anyone want to...?
My reply to these people is that we all have power. We all have the power to dominate and we all have the ability to give our power away. We do it all the time whether we are aware of it or not, at work, at home, at church, with friends. Do you want to consciously choose how you excercise your power, or do you want to let your unconscious and reptilian instincts run the show? We all do one or the other. Power is, well, a powerful thing. Own yours and see what happens...
Have a wonderful couple of weeks. I will be resuming sessions as of Aug. 17.
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