It's been a wild and eventful summer so far, but I have to say that it is lovely to be home. As tempting as it was to up and move to San Fransisco (which I fell in love with), I think I'd miss you all too much!
Looking towards the fall, I am excited to announce that I will be presenting a workshop called "The Reluctant Dominatrix" at Good For Her on November 3, 2009 from 7-9:30pm. It is for women who are curious about being sexually dominant but scared to go there, or for women whose partners want them to be sexually dominant, but who are experiencing hesitation, anxiety, fear, or other emotional blocks that prevent them from exploring in that way. The intent of the workshop is to name and unpack the blocks, find the opportunities hidden in each block, and to begin to move towards accessing and befriending the inner FemDomme so she can come out and play!
It is for women only, so guys tell your female friends and significant others about it.
To register:
Thank you!!
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