Thursday, April 1, 2010

Honey and Sting

Though I`ve not got an agriculturally-inclined bone in My body I will confess to you all that in the last couple of months I have become fascinated with honeybees. Most notably because as I read more and more about hives and honeybees I am realizing that they are a great prototype for how to sustain a FemDom community.

Consider the following: The hive`s entire focus and raison d`etre is the Queen. She is waited upon by hundreds of attendant bees and nurse bees for the entirety of her life, and is the only bee in the hive who is fed royal jelly for the entirety of her development, a substance of incredible nutritional value that develops her sexual capacity. Guard bees, who protect the hive from intruders, are willing to put their lives on the line to defend the Queen, as are worker bees, who, after stinging a person out of self-defense, die.

The only male bees in the hive are called drones, and the only thing they have to accomplish in their short lives is to mate with and fertilize the Queen. Only one of them can do so, however, and the others are pushed out of the hive and left to die or fend for themselves. All is not peachy for the lucky drone, though - after mating with the queen his genitalia gets ripped out of his body and remains in the body of the queen. He he. Next time someone tells you that CBT is not a natural practice, you can use this example to prove them wrong!

It evokes a kind of mythical FemDom fantasy world...and I believe it would make an excellent plot for an erotic novella :-)

1 comment:

Matt said...


I knew there was a reason I am both fascinated by, and afraid of, bees!