Friday, January 21, 2011

A Kink in the Relationship - Upcoming Workshop

It can be a sad thing when we want to but cannot share our kinks or bdsm desires with our partners for fear that they will respond in a negative way. It is even harder to risk sharing our fantasies when more than just our relationship is riding on the line...a house, kids, a shared dream.

Mostly, in these cases, we just want our partners to accept us for who we are, to love us with all our eccentric predilections. Our sexual fantasies are a deep part of who we are and it can deepen our level of intimacy with our partners to share such precious and personal gems with a receptive audience.

Often though, the response from our significant others, if we have even risked sharing, is far from what we were hoping for. Fears, questions, anger, inadequacies, accusations, and distrust are common responses when one partner shares vulnerable and less than conventional fantasies with their more vanilla inclined partners.

And to our partners' credit, they are often hearing something that they have no context for and no knowledge about save for perhaps societal stereotypes. They often do not know how to process or work with this new information about the person they thought they knew, and may question what their partner's desires mean about them.

I will be running a workshop on February 22, 2011 for women whose male partners have divulged kinky fantasies and who aren't sure how to deal with the information. If you know of someone who you think would benefit from this workshop please let them know to register asap as I will need a minimum of 8 participants to run it.

The details are as follows:

Workshop: A Kink in the Relationship
Date: Feb. 22, 2011
Time: 7-10pm
Cost: $40.00
Location: TBA

Please register before Feb. 15, 2011 by contacting Shahrazad at

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