Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Princess Shahrazad's Bucket List

A client told me recently that having me help him explore his sexual fantasies was an experience that had been on his "bucket list" for years. Which got me thinking...what would be on my bucket list.....?!?!

So here are my thoughts thus far on that which I want to experience in this lifetime:

1. Travel to every country in the world at least once.
2. Master the art of Japanese rope bondage.
3. Learn a minimum of four languages fluently.
4. Write a wildly successful book. Or two.
5. Experience being a crewmember on a tall ship in the Atlantic.
6. Take voice lessons.
7. Learn how to throw a bullwhip with 100% accuracy.
8. Achieving a black belt in Shotokan karate.

What's on your bucket list?


Matt said...


My bucket list would include:

1. Learn Japanese
2. Learn to pilot helicopters
3. Train and volunteer with a Search And Rescue dog
4. Attend a goaltending camp
5. Have one of the annual awards in our hockey league named after me
6. Retire from my career, successfully, leaving behind a legacy

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Poe00069 said...


It's interesting how close this situation is to my own.

I have been giving these some serious thought lately as well. This is my list, and there is some overlap with yours, as well as your client's:

1 - Finish a marathon
2 - Visit Antarctica
3 - Learn French, and Japanese fluently
4 - Write a great work of fiction
5 - Train my voice and confidence so I can sing tenor solos live in concert.
6 - Progress to black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do ("retired" at yellow belt).
7 - Reduce weight to a more healthy 15-20% of body fat.
8 - With a partner or in a session with a Domina, experience fulfillment of some very old, almost "haunting" erotic fantasies.

I am going to lose the weight, do the marathon this year, and have been fishing around to find an appropriate venue to explore my fetishes interactively.